by Laura Peters | Jun 20, 2017 | Blog, Business IT, Computer Security, IT, Managed Services, Virus Protection and Security
We talk a lot about Managed Services but don’t do the best job describing the comprehensive service we offer, called Simple IT. So, let’s dive right into it and explain what it is and the benefits of Simple IT. What is it? Simple IT is quite simply put, simple! It...
by Laura Peters | Jun 7, 2017 | Blog, Business IT, Networks Unlimited Updates, Virus Protection and Security
Everyone has experienced that feeling of panic while being out of the office. You aren’t as connected, work is piling up on your desk, and those emails just keep coming in while you are gone. With that said, leaving for a work conference is a tougher pill to swallow...
by Laura Peters | Jun 2, 2017 | Blog, Business IT, Computer Security, Data Backup, Networks Unlimited Updates, Virus Protection and Security
The setting was perfect, the attendees were eager to hear about the topic, and the food and wine were delicious. The Intronis Wine Tasting and Backup Discussion was an excellent chance to interact with our customers and peers differently. It was a way to create an...
by Laura Peters | May 10, 2017 | Blog, Business IT, IT, Tech
Mother’s Day is coming right up (seriously, it is the 14th…that is Sunday!) and we’ve put together some great tech ideas for mom. The prices ranges and uses vary, so you hopefully know your mother well enough to figure out which one she will appreciate the most....
by Laura Peters | May 1, 2017 | Customer Spotlight
FHE is in Fruita, Colorado and used to be part of Frank Henry Equipment in Canada. In 2013 FHE was sold to Basin Holdings. They are the most profitable company in all their business holdings. FHE focuses on delivering superior tools and equipment to help the oil...