First Line of Defense

First Line of Defense

What do hackers want with your business? Money, likely. Your data, probably. Maybe both! If they infiltrate your system and install malicious code, they could send out a spam email to hundreds or thousands of your customers. Or, they’ll make you pay to get your data...
A Quick Overview Of Encryption

A Quick Overview Of Encryption

Over the last few months, the public has been sitting on the sidelines watching as the debate on encryption unfolds. It’s an emotionally charged subject that has the public divided. Despite your stance on the issue, though, some people are confused because they aren’t...
The Future of Passwords

The Future of Passwords

Over the years, the public has experienced the drawbacks of relying on weak passwords – including the likes of credit card fraud and identity theft. However, despite the many negative consequences of hacked login credentials, online users have yet to part with...