by Laura Peters | Oct 25, 2016 | Blog, Business IT, Computer Security, Data Backup, Managed Services, Virus Protection and Security
Big company or small business, your data is valuable to not only you but hackers too. Don’t ever think that your firm is “too small” to be the victim of an attack. According to a recent NY times article, sixty percent of all online attacks in 2014 targeted small and...
by Laura Peters | Aug 16, 2016 | Blog, Business IT, Computer Security, Managed Services, Virus Protection and Security
A new thing that Networks Unlimited is rolling out is to suggest our current anti-virus customers add an additional layer of protection on all of their business devices. “Why?” is the most frequent question we hear, and with good cause! You’ve already got one...
by Laura Peters | Aug 22, 2014 | Blog, Business IT, Computer Security, Virus Protection and Security
“I got a computer virus, but I have anti-virus. How did this happen if I have anti-virus?” This question is asked often. While we understand it is frustrating to have this happen, especially if you have opted to pay for anti-virus (as opposed to using free downloads)...
by Laura Peters | Mar 21, 2014 | Blog, Business IT, Data Backup, IT, Managed Services, Virus Protection and Security
Because of threats to data such as power failures, device failures, malware, natural disaster, human error, and theft, backing up data is important to small businesses, organizations and individuals alike. The three important elements of data are: Redundancy Frequency...
by Laura Peters | Apr 5, 2013 | Blog, IT
Trend Micro, a leading security software company, reported a 500% increase in mobile cyber attacks last year. With this growing problem, experts are finding that many mobile operating systems and security applications are not ready to defend against the growing...