You might have seen a new folder pop up in your Office 365 for Business Outlook account recently, the Clutter folder. Microsoft created this folder to help your daily workflow. It helps by moving lower priority messages from your Inbox to the Clutter folder automatically. Clutter determines if a message is “low priority” by analyzing your email habits and past behavior on messages you’ll most likely ignore.
For many people, this feature can be a hindrance because you now have to hunt one MORE place for lost emails. But have no fear! You can simply turn it off if you so choose, and here is how:
1. From your desktop Outlook, right-click on the Clutter folder
2. Left-click “Manage Clutter.”
3. Managing Clutter will open a new internet window and prompt you to log in to your Office Account. Use the email address and password that you log into your email.
4. Once you are logged in, you will be taken to the Clutter settings page. Uncheck “Separate items identified as clutter.”
5. Click “Save.”